Saturday 21 June 2014

Creating a Media Kit

You’re busy at work when Kari Backe pops into your office area and asks if the National Association of Trauma Specialists has a fully developed media kit.
When you nod your head negatively, Backe says that she’s just talked with the NATS executive staff who wants a complete media kit plan as soon as possible.
There’s no deadline as such, but the NATS is anxious to have something in the can in case a crisis arises or some other event demands a news conference for some reason.
Right now, all they have are a few isolated pieces of information, but there’s no plan for a kit to which NATS staff can refer for guidance.
Using your knowledge of NATS, Backe asks that you develop a media kit plan for general guidance of the client. That means some special efforts will need to be made to prepare backgrounders, position papers and so on for ready use.
What NATS wants is an item-by-item list of things that should go into the kit. Provide one or two descriptive sentences for each item.
Also, think of special occasions, such as a crisis, and provide guidelines for media kits in these situations.
You are to fulfill the requirements by addressing each area noted:
1. Backgrounder/Historical Perspective (250-word minimum)
2. Summary of the organization (200-word minimum)
3. Calendar of events: please compile an NATS calendar for a two-week period 4. Community service programs: name at least three and briefly describe each 5. Board of directors and contact information
Information about media kits can be found in Chapter 9 of your textbook.
Also, you will want to refer to the course scenario document that contains background information about the National Association of Trauma Specialists.

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