Thursday 19 June 2014

Does the history of theories of generation from the 17th–19th c. support Kuhn’s view of science, or is it Popperian? (Do not make the common mistake on this question of spending all your time on the history, and none on the philosophy

"Does the history of theories of generation from the 17th–19th c. support Kuhn’s view of science, or is it Popperian? (Do not make the common mistake on this question of spending all your time on the history, and none on the philosophy.)"
Needs to be about 1500 words (able to be between 1350 - 1650 words)
Needs to be double spaced.
Needs to be 12 point Arial font.
Needs at least 8 references
Needs to reference primary texts by Thomas Kuhn and also Karl Popper.
Needs to have an excellent grasp of primary texts.
Needs a bibliography on a seperate page
Needs page numbers on each page throughout the essay
Please use Chicago referencing.
Marking Criteria:
1. Argument

A. The essay does address the question set.
B. It argues for a clearly articulated conclusion.
C. The argument of the essay is well structured and cogent.

2. Understanding of primary text.

A. The essay demonstrates a sound and first-hand understanding of the text.
B. It adequately cites the primary text in support of interpretive claims.
C. It avoids including material that is not relevant to the purposes of the essay.
D. It omits no material that is crucially relevant to the purposes of the essay.
3. Effective use of secondary texts
A. Secondary texts are well chosen and clearly understood.
B. Judicious use is made of them in the argument of the essay.
C. Citation is properly done.
4. Presentation
A. Style clear and succinct.
B. Grammatical and spelling errors have been avoided.

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