In a minimum of 200 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:
Find an example of two of the following types of usage of percentages.
- Use of percentages as a fraction. Remember that this type will use the word of to imply multiplication. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.
- Use of percentages to describe change. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.
- Use of percentages for comparison. In the example you find, determine whether the reported percentage demonstrated absolute or relative change. Show your work. Explain whether this was an effective way to represent this information within the context of the example you found.
- Use of a shifting reference value. In this situation, the base values are changing as differing values of percentages are applied as increases, decreases, or both. Percentage increases, decreases, or both do not have a cumulative effect. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.
- Use of percentage to represent less than nothing. Look for an example where you are seeing a reduction of some percentage greater than 100. Be sure to demonstrate why your example fits this category.
- Situation where the average percentage is reported. In general, you can not average percentages. The result isn’t representative of what a
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