Sunday, 15 June 2014

Food Memory

Write a description of a food memory, preferably from your childhood. This could be a memory of tasting or liking/disliking a particular food, or it could be a memory focused on a dish from a particular eating event, collective or individual. Pay attention to as many senses as you can invoke to evoke this memory.
Dish: Paula Deen's Macaroni & Cheese- Crock Pot Recipe
Do a bit of research to place your memory in wider context.  Discuss the cultural, symbolic, social, structural, or other meanings of this dish. Specify the social group for whom it has meaning, for what kinds of occasions and settings is this dish prepared, who is involved in the preparation, serving, and consumption of this dish, etc.
Is this a food that unique to your culture? What are its traditional names? (And do these names have any special significance and/or meaning?) What ingredients go into making these foods? How and when are they eaten? Are there unspoken family “rules” about food consumption (e.g., what’s okay, and not okay, to eat; how and where should one eat, etc.)
There are many ways to approach this assignment:
1) If you recalled a dish at a specific event, talk to others who were also present and see how they remember the dish and the event; analyze the similarities and discrepancies between your recollections;
2) If you remembered a specific dish, you might also try to find the recipe for it. You may find multiple, slightly different recipes for a regional dish (say, gooey butter cake or black eyed peas) – if so, see how many varieties you can collect from friends, family members, and other sources (do not only look in Better Homes and Gardens or some other standard cookbook, or the internet for a general recipe). If it is a family recipe that has one ‘original’ source (say, a great grandmother), see if others with access to this recipe have    come up with modified versions. You might also try to interview at least one other person about his or her memories, feelings, associations with this dish and/or recipe. DO NOT HAVE MOST OF YOUR PAPER BE THE RECIPE! Just summarize it into ONE, particularly if you have several!
This paper needs to be 4 pages or more. You will need to use 12 Times New Roman Font. You need to double space and provide a cover page/reference page. These two items are NOT part of your page

What if you were involved in a case, either as a judge or lawyer, with a high profile individual (such as Casey Anthony. Robert Blake, OJ Simpson, Bernie Madoff or Michael Vick) with a high level of media attention. How do you think ethical conduct could be compromised? What extra steps would you pesonally take to maintain ethical conduct?

Gender Identity

1400-1750 words
APA format
3 references with in-text citations
Explain the interaction between hormones and behavior, and how these interactions affect the determination of gender identity
Address the following -
1. Include the roles of biological factors and environmental influences on sexual differentiation and gender identity.
2. Based on your evaluation, determine which has the greater influence on gender identity - nature or nurture.
3. Discuss current arguments about sexual identity and how evidence from biopsychology may help resolve the argument

Founding brothers book report

Jaguar Assignment

Jaguar Assignment:
Question-1:    Create a SWOT Analysis using following tools:    (40%)
Opportunities & Threats:
Strengths & Weakness:
Question-2: Critically Analyze the Strategies deployed by Jaguar in context to following framework: (30%)
Question-3: Would you have been the CEO of TATA Motors (Company which Acquired Jaguar), what different would you have done in context to: (30%)

Nursing roles in healthcare and policies

Strictly APA by the publication manual of the American psychological association 6th edition second practice. Write in Third person only. Special attention to the reference page, full reference.  Verb/noun agreement. DNP [doctor of nursing practice level writing). Introduction and conclusions required. Use headings when needed. Thesis statement pivotal, conclusion critical. Please look at objectives below. Follow grading rubric strictly.
NU 610 Guidelines for Role Paper
The purpose of this paper is to explore the advanced practice nurses' role in relation to healthcare policy, politics, and advocacy (Unit 1 objective).
The paper should be carefully written in formal style, based on primary resources, provide an integration of ideas. Organized flow, logical progression of ideas, and clarity in thought are essential. Paper should be no more than 3 pages in length, excluding the title page and reference page. Liberal number of references (minimum of 8 references

Presentation on the interactions between the muscukoskeletal system and the nervous system

Harvard Style Referencing
Paper instructions:
You will present a clear and concise 20 minute presentation on the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. You will also consider the impact that this integration may have on thermoregulation and how this affect is mediated within the two systems.
Assessment Criteria:
1.    A clear, concise, well written and well presented talk that covers both learning outcomes and is appropriately referenced (85%).
2.    Detailed and well referenced script that support the assumptions of your talk (15%)
HAVE INCLUDED A FILE called example of a past paper that shows what harvard referencing should look like called EXAMPLE PLEASE LOOK AT THIS.
YOU MUST LOOK AT JOURNALS FOR THIS. Where possible reference from up to date journals (from the last four years) and reference from the suggested reading list at the bottom of the instructions. As a rule use around 1 reference (from different sources) for every 100 words, use journals mainly, up to date books and try to stay away from webpages.
Assignment Title: Presentation
LOOK AT THE FILE Suggested layout for presentation. The presentation can include an activity for the audience, clips/ videos (no longer than 5 min) and time for questions and answers. It is more of a micro-teach than an academic presentation. Aim to be talking for around 7 minutes before playing a good resource and feedback and/ or questions/ video clips.
Remember to keep to the suggested layout for presentation file.
What I need you to do is provide the script along with powerpoint; this script must be close to 900 words to last 7 mins. You will also need to include a powerpoint presentation with slides that will go along with the script. The script must be numbered according to the appropriate slide so that the reader will know when to change slides. Where it says introduce topic and discuss your particular angle of interest (on the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system) for this, you can choose this. Though I suggest choosing to discuss interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system when under the influence of an illegal drug such as opium or sleep deprivation (if that interests you too).
Do not make introductions to the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system, as there are no marks for that in the brief. You could however introduce the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.
Remember to discuss “also consider the impact that this integration may have on thermoregulation and how this affect is mediated within the two systems.” From the brief.
Do not write a general script of the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Write a script with the angle of interest in mind.

I suggest choosing to link in a relevant video to the angle of interest into a slide in the powerpoint presentation for this (no longer than 5 min). With small intro/conclusion in script about 100 words.
Summing up your particular area of focus and suggesting further reading, Script is about 350 words also include a relevant slide for this into the powerpoint presentation.
Questions and answers along with slides, script is around 150 words.
End with a slide of the reference list.
Learning Outcomes:
Demonstrate an awareness of the functioning and integration of the major body systems
Develop awareness of the processes involved in maintaining homeostasis
Key skills at level 5 include the ability to research relevant information and assimilate an appropriate response to a set question. This must be achieved in a clear and concise manner which will depend on your ability to communicate your findings. This assignment assesses these skills in the context of an oral presentation. The set question allows you to direct your research and link the course content with the learning objectives of the course in a peer-reviewed format. This assignment aligns with two learning objectives of the course which you must ensure are responded to in your submission.
You will present a clear and concise 20 minute presentation on the interactions between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. You will also consider the impact that this integration may have on thermoregulation and how this affect is mediated within the two systems.
Assessment Criteria:
3.    A clear, concise, well written and well presented talk that covers both learning outcomes and is appropriately referenced (85%).
4.    Detailed and well referenced script that support the assumptions of your talk (15%)
All text should be fully justified, size 12 Arial font, with 1.5 line spacing, and normal margins.  All work must be presented in a suitable interactive format (PowerPoint/ Prezi).  You must submit a completed assignment submission cover sheet.  Reference relevant sources using the appropriate Harvard Referencing system.
Indicative reading: suggested online journals
Tortora, G.J. and Derrickson, B.H. (2009) Principles of anatomy and physiology. 12th edn. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Saladin, K. (2001) Anatomy and physiology, the unity of form and function. 7th edn.  London: McGraw Hill.
Davey, B., Halliday, T. and Hirst, M. (2001) Human biology and health: an evolutionary approach. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.
Waugh, A., and Grant, A. (2006) Anatomy and physiology in health and illness. 10th edn. London: Elsevier.

Discuss the ways in which signalling molecules can be classified, and an over-view of the classification of cell membrane receptors

Market-Based Mechanisms: Blondal discusses outsourcing, public-private partnerships, and vouchers

1. Blondal discusses outsourcing, public-private partnerships, and vouchers. Pick one of these three and explain what the particular market mechanism is. Evaluate and discuss what you see as three key issues with the mechanism in leading and managing public organizations.
2. Drawing upon Gansler and Lucyshyn, explain what “competitive sourcing” is. What do you feel is the most important personnel issue that affects competitive sourcing and why? What do you see as the most critical recommendation regarding competitive sourcing and why?

Gender and Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore

C1: Gender and Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore
Brief Response
For the following Discussion Forum topic, you will need to read:
  • Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore, Chapter 1 “The Usefulness of Ghost Stories” (book chapter) by Jeannie Banks Thomas – whole book pdf posted to Bb/Content
  • Haunting Experiences: Ghosts in Contemporary Folklore, Chapter 3 “Gender and Ghosts” (book chapter) by Jeannie Banks Thomas – whole book pdf posted to Bb/Content
For this Discussion Forum (DF): Reply to this header post. In the body of your reply, copy and paste a Brief Response (250 words) that does the following:
Answer the Three Key Questions for Secondary Readings (found in the syllabus) for each reading -- one at a time -- and pose 2 questions related to the readings for your classmates to engage with in their replies to you.
Your questions may be comprehension questions. For example: "I'm having trouble understanding what Thomas means by the “Angel in the House,” starting on page 81. Can someone help me flesh out that idea?
Or your questions may be prompts for thought. For example: "I am interested in applying the idea of the Deviant Femme to “The Yellow Wallpaper.” What connections do you all see there, if any?"
Yet another example of a question you may pose is: Thomas mainly addresses the way gender works in ghost stories. How do you see gender working in other supernatural stories, such as vampire or zombie stories?
** Keep in mind: The best questions to ask are HOW and WHY questions.
Avoid asking questions that elicit a Yes/No answer. **

What are the considerations of managing corporate culture, employee motivation and workforce diversity effectively?

*It is acceptable to have about 10% more or less than the total word limit (i.e., 2800 words to 3200 words for the 3000 word essay). This includes all text from the Introduction to the Conclusion, however it does not include your cover page(s), reference list or appendix.
Research Topic/Questions
What are the considerations of managing corporate culture, employee motivation and workforce diversity effectively?
When writing this essay, you are required to:
• use knowledge of the following topics of MMM132: Topic 3 – Managing Motivation, Topic 4 – Managing Culture, and Topic 5 – Managing Diversity.
• have a clear argument and structure of the essay.
• have an equal discussion of Topics 3, 4 and 5 in the body of the essay, and
• cite a minimum of 8 academic references. Out of these references you must cite at least three essential readings and four additional readings from Topics 3, 4 and 5 of this unit - MMM132 (see readings on CloudDeakin).
Additional Requirements/Guidance
The information below is in addition to your Assignment Details and is provided to assist you in writing a good essay. As you have done Assignment One, I expect that you understand how to write an essay with an argument(s) and clear structure (See Assignment one for more detail). This essay will have a similar format. Some suggestions are:
1. Suggestions on the essay structure
Introduction (Length: approximately 10% of the total word limit – i.e. 300 words)
You do need to provide a similarly clear and explicit opening paragraph at the very start of your essay that tells the reader what your argument is and how you will structure this into sections.
Note that this opening paragraph below is not fully suitable to answer your current essay question so you cannot just copy and paste into your essay but you can adopt relevant aspects.
In this essay, I am going to argue that the attempt to manage the culture of an organisation is both very difficult practically and possibly questionable morally. I develop this argument in three sections. In Section One, I outline the concept of ‘Corporate Culture’ (Peters and Waterman 1982) and the managerial desire to manage the deepest feelings and values of employees (Parker 2000). I consider why managers may want to seek to do this. In Section Two I argue that while the management of culture may, on the surface, seem like an attractive idea, in practice the management of Corporate Culture is extremely difficult. I draw upon Jaffee (2001) and Ackroyd and Crowdy (1990) to show just how deepseated employee’s existing values and views may be and therefore resistant to change they are. In Section Three I turn to consider whether it is right for managers to be seeking to change employee’s views and values. I engage, in this section, with the writings of Rosen (1998), Parker (2000), Willmott (1993) and Brewis (2007) who have raised some critical views with regard to this issue. I conclude the essay by restating my argument, that the attempt to manage employees through controlling culture is both practically difficult and morally questionable.
Body of the essay
- Should comprise of several sections to support your argument as outlined in the introduction. While using headings is not compulsory, I encourage you to use headings as signposts for the markers which will also help the structure of your essay clearer and easy to follow.
Some examples are:
Section Heading for Section One (a short heading but covers key discussion points in this section) (note that each section can comprise of several paragraphs)
• develop your argument for section one: (link with Topic 3)
• further develop your argument
• Note that you only use direct quotes sparingly in the body of the essay.
Section Heading for Section Two
• develop an argument for Section Two (i.e., link with Topic 4)
• further develop your argument
Section Heading for Section Three
• develop an argument for Section Three (i.e., link with Topic 5)
• further develop your argument (etc.)
Note that you don’t have to follow the sequence of topics as suggested above.
Conclusion (Length: approximately 10% of the total word limit, i.e., 300 words)
• Summarises again your argument and how you developed this in the main sections of your essay to answer the essay question.
• No new information here.
2. Reading and citation requirements
As mentioned, you need to use and cite a minimum of 8 academic references. Out of these references you must cite at least three essential readings and four additional readings from Topics 3, 4 and 5 of this unit (all on CloudDeakin unless indicated otherwise). In addition to the required references above, you are encouraged to use essential and additional readings from other topics if relevant (including reading from Topics 1 and 2 if you find them relevant). You will need to read these items yourself and work out which aspects of these readings are particularly relevant for the argument that you want to develop.
You must cite three essential readings below:
• Jackson, N. and Carter, P. (2007) Rethinking Organisational Behaviour Second Edition, Prentice Hall, London.
• Ackroyd, S. and Crowdy, P. (1990) ‘Can culture be managed? Working with “raw” material: the casef the English slaughtermen’ Personnel Review Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 3-12.
• Dipboye, R. And Halverson, S. (2004) ‘Subtle (and Not So Subtle): Discrimination in Organizations’ in Griffin, R. and O’Leary-Kelly, A. (Eds.) The Dark Side of Organizational Behavior, Wiley, San Francisco.
a) Every article referred to is accurately cited using in-text referencing, Deakin author-date/the Harvard referencing style; NOT foot note). All direct quotes must have page numbers in addition to author, year. (See more information on the Harvard referencing style in Assessment folder on CloudDeakin)
b) All references referred to in text are placed in your Reference List, and are correctly formatted using the Harvard referencing style.
c) You can use other academic references such as book, book chapters or peer reviewed journal articles which are available from Deakin University Library online databases (e.g., Business Source Premier, ABI Inform, Emerald Management Plus, or Science Direct)
d) Note that Wikipedia,, general websites and other personal opinion or social networking websites are NOT accepted. Assignments that cite these websites will be penalised.
e) Note that lecture slides are NOT counted as an academic reference so if you want to use the information on slides, you need to track down the original source and reference it properly as all the ideas on the slides come from the readings or citations outlined in the slides.
Other requirements for both assignments
3. Formatting Requirements
Your assignment should be presented in a reader-friendly way and include the following:
• be a MSWord document (a .doc, or .docx format; NO other format is accepted)
• no long paragraphs (250 words maximum), or no very short paragraphs (one or two short sentences unless it is a connecting sentence between two sections)
• 1.5 spaced, 2.5 cm margins
• 12 font size, Times New Roman
• have page numbers consecutively
• use headings as signposts for the markers and help the structure of your essay clearer (although using headings is not compulsory).
4. Assignment submission and receipt of marked assignments
Please read the instructions below carefully (some have been mentioned in Unit Guide).
a) You are required to submit ONE electronic copy of the assignment; no hard copy is required in the area provided on Cloud (in the Assessment folder). When submitting online, you must check that you have submitted your essay correctly by having an email to confirm that your essay has been submitted successfully.
b) Do not send your assignment via email to the Unit Chair or Campus Coordinator.
c) Please submit your assignment file named as the following:
Assignment 1: StudentID_MMM132_Assignment 1
Assignment 2: StudentID_MMM132_Assignment 2
d) Extensions to the dates for submission of assignments conducted during the trimester will be considered on the grounds of illness or special circumstances. If you need an extension please discuss this with the unit chair as soon as possible. Documentation such as medical certificate must accompany any extension requests. (For all students, please contact Dr Huong Le: We will not consider or reply to any extension requests within 24 hours before the due date/time.
e) Late submissions: A 5% penalty of the total marks (per day) of the assignment for late submission within one week (i.e., 1 mark/day for Essay One and 1.5 marks/day for Essay Two). Assignments or other assessment tasks conducted during the trimester submitted more than one week late without an extension being granted will not be marked (this includes the weekends).
f) Return of marked assignments: you will receive your marked essay and feedback by 15 working days after the due date (unless we have unexpected issues). Late submissions will be returned by 20 working days after the due date.
5. Other useful resources for you
1. Essential readings and additional reading of this unit are very useful to help you to engage with the teaching and learning materials. The library resources online are great, so you need to make a full use of on line databases.
2. Referencing - the Harvard referencing style located in Assessment folder which is used at Deakin, Faculty of Business and Law to guide you how to reference your essay.
3. Avoiding plagiarism and collusion weblink is located in Assessment folder. It is very important to learn what plagiarism and collusion is so that you can avoid it. If plagiarism and collusion is evident in your essay, it will be reported to Faculty Student Misconduct Committee and receive a zero for the essay and even a zero for the whole unit in some cases.
4. Marking rubric will be used as a marking guide to mark your essay, so make sure that you read marking rubric (grade form) at the end of this document.
5. Frequently Asked Questions (for Assignment) and Frequently Asked Questions (General)
6. All B&L CloudDeakin sites now have a Turnitin dropbox and resources for students to check their work for plagiarism. You are encouraged to submit DRAFTS of you assignment to the Turnitin dropbox provided and you will receive an originality report. These resources are located in a folder titled Check your work, within the Assessment folder. Please note that it may take a few hours or longer for the originality report to be generated so post your assignment to Turnitin well in advance before the due date. Instructions on how to submit your assignment to Turnitin and how to interpret a Tunrnitin Originality Report are provided on Cloud Homepage › Assessment › Check Your Work. Aim to keep your similarity index under 20%. You are required to submit your final copy to Assignment dropbox, not “Check your draft dropbox” - Turnitin.
A visual representation of how an essay should be structured is provided in Assignment One (please have a look if you are unsure).

Water-Jet Ferries Case study

Water-Jet Ferries is a successful ferry operator providing roll-on/roll-off ferry
services to the larger islands off the coast using vessels that are propelled by
water-jets powered by diesel engines. Over the last twelve months the company’s
profitability has been badly affected by rising fuel costs and a fall in patronage. As
a consequence management has decided to examine the possibility of modifying
the existing engines to reduce their fuel consumption. Not only would the
modifications result in reduced fuel costs, the modified engines would produce
increased power permitting the vessels to travel at higher speeds and so enable
more services to be provided. A further benefit would be that the modified engines
would be environmentally friendlier which is important to the island communities
serviced by the company.
Their decision was arrived at after receiving advice from the engine manufacturer
that Water-Jet would be able to treat the modifications as a repair and by doing so
claim a tax deduction for the cost incurred.
Water-Jet has requested your company to provide them with an opinion as to the
correctness of this claim by the engine manufacturer. Your opinion, which should
also include an outline of the alternate tax treatment(s)that may be available, must
be supported by reference to any applicable tax legislation and/or case law

What five physical areas between people does differential psychology focus on identifying?

What five physical areas between people does differential psychology focus on identifying? Is it important for managers to understand their employees' differences? Why or why not? Explain your viewpoint by giving a minimum of two specific examples.
Leslie Snow manages a team of five help desk operators. The cubicles of the operators are located a floor below Leslie's office. Each operator is required to log help desk calls into a team database. This database tracks the nature of a problem, the length of the call, and whether the problem was fixed or sent to the engineering department for further investigation.
Leslie has a busy schedule, and it is not possible for her to monitor the performance of her team members sitting on a different floor. Therefore she decides to assess their performance solely on the basis of reports queried from the database.
Based on what you have learned about criterion deficiency and contamination, analyze Leslie's performance measurement strategy. Suggest three ways for better performance measurement for Leslie's help desk team.

Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your business knowledge

  • Journal Entry 1: Prepare a one to two (1-2) paragraph journal entry that examines your learning experiences with ORION in Week 1 of this course, that addresses the following:
    1. Determine the primary manner in which ORION has increased your businessknowledge in the related subject area.
    2. Discuss specific challenges that you may have experienced with any of the subject matter presented, and point out the areas for which you would like more information.
    3. Suggest at least two (2) possible applications of this week’s material to the companythat you currently work for or hope to work for in the future.

ABC Company and Whole Foods Market assignment

So far, ABC Company and Whole Foods Market like what we've been doing. I have this last project, which involves analyzing Whole Foods Market's feedback loops and organizational learning opportunities.
I want you to take a look at the feedback loops in Whole Foods Market.
Refer to the background reading on System Feedback Loops.
Identify one Balancing Loop and one Reinforcing Loop. These feedback loops should be critical to Whole Foods Market's performance and success. You should have a good idea of what these are from your previous analysis.
Explain each one of these loops - what are the causal factors and how do they affect each other. For the Reinforcing Loop, look for an area where there is growth. For the Balancing Loop, look for goal behavior. Once you have identified and explained these critical feedback loops, identify how Whole Foods Market has generated organizational learning, and how they can go further and generate additional organizational learning. What do they need to do to improve their performance further?
Be sure to include references. Turn in the 5- to 6-page paper by the end of the module.

This is what you need to do:
  1. Determine the two critical feedback loops. Describe each Feedback Loop that you identify in your organization and explain why you selected them. Make sure you explain the Loop, the cause and effect process within the Loop. You could also include a Causal Loop Diagram. If you do, show the arrows and direction of effect (+ or -). Also, determine what the warrant is for your case.
  2. Briefly discuss the theory of organizational learning so that you provide a summary of this information to the executives - establish this as common ground.
  3. Identify the learning activities in each feedback loop that Whole Foods Market has already undertaken.
  4. Identify the opportunities for organizational learning in each Feedback Loop. Make a Case that these are learning opportunities. Logically show how the feedback process provides an opportunity for the organization to learn and improve its performance. Be precise. Depth and breadth in your discussion is always a good thing.


What you have to do

This Assignment covers the material in Topics 1, 2 and 3 in the learning resource.  You should complete and submit the Assignment once you have completed the three topics. 
There are 3 Tasks in the Assignment. You must submit answers to each of the three Tasks.
Task 1 is based on the material in Topic 1
Task 2 is based on the material in Topic 2
Task 3 is based on the material in Topic 3
As was noted in the Overview to this unit, there is some small overlap between topics because of the nature of the subject matter of this unit. Each of the three topics should be viewed as parts of a whole, rather than entirely separate topics. You might find therefore, that you use material from, for e.g. Topic 1 in answering questions in Task 2.
The Assignment will be marked out of 80. The marks allocated to each Task are indicated next to the Task.  The allocation of marks will give you some guide as to the depth and length of the answers required for each Task.
Your mark in this assessment is worth 80% of your final overall mark.
Before starting work on the Assignment, please review the information on Layout and presentation, Plagiarism and the Guidelines on how you will be assessed in the About this Unit.
If you have any concerns about what is expected of you in this Assignment, you are welcome to contact your teachers at OTEN.


You are a legal compliance officer employed by Ready Set Go Tours Limited, a large travel agency based in New South Wales which offers a wide range of domestic and international travel/ holiday planning services, tours and advice. Within the company is a department specialising in taking tourists into National Parks in NSW in 4WD vehicles.

The Chief Executive has asked you to write a report assessing, analysing and providing recommendations on the legal knowledge and business compliance required by this company.

Task 1:                       (40 marks)

Knowledge of the relevant legal and licensing requirements, and skills in researching and knowing where to find relevant legal information, are essential for business success and survival.

a)      Identify and describe in detail four (4) areas of business licensing required by Ready Steady Go Tours Limited.  Outline the risks, penalties and consequence of non-compliance.

b)      Identify and provide an overview of four (4) relevant state and four (4) relevant federal laws that the company would need to comply with (other than business licensing requirements).

For four (4) of these laws identify the risks, penalties, and consequence of non-compliance.

Note: if you wish to include the common law principles governing Contracts, this would be classified as state law.

c)      Research and describe eight (8) specific sources of information on relevant legal and licensing requirements. For each source indicate the currency of the information.

Task 2:                       (25 marks)

Establishing and monitoring workplace systems and procedures, and adopting a risk management approach are important to ensure legal compliance. It is also necessary to identify aspects of the business operations that may potentially infringe laws.

a)      Why is it important that Ready Set Go Tours Ltd adopt a risk management approach to operating the business? Outline a method of risk management the company could use.

b)      Identify two areas of law (e.g. consumer protection law) that travel agencies are at risk of breaching. Outline strategies you could put in place to eliminate or reduce the risk of breach.

c)      What is the purpose of a ‘compliance plan’ and what are the benefits to the company of implementing a compliance plan.

d)     Identify processes you could use to record and document the legal and licensing requirements of the business.

e)      Identify the training methods you would use to ensure that all employees are equipped with the necessary legal knowledge and skills.

Task 3:                       (15 marks)

It is every tourism operator’s on-going responsibility to keep up-to-date with changes in the law and regulatory requirements that affect the business operations.  Sharing information with employees is also vital for ensuring that legal compliance is maintained.

a)      Identify methods you would use for keeping up-to-date on relevant legal and licensing requirements.

b)      Choose one area of law (e.g. consumer protection law or business licensing) and describe in more detail how you would keep up-to-date on changes in this area.

c)      Identify strategies and methods for providing up-dates on important legal and licensing requirements to the employees of Ready Steady Go Tours Limited.

Interpret Financial Information

This assessment consists of financial questions to be answered adequately to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the concept of interpret financial information in order to be deemed competent in this unit.
There are a total of two (2) parts to complete, as follows:
Part A – consists of questions requiring short responses.
Part B – is a Case Study comprising two (2) tasks. Each task consists of questions requiring short responses.
At the end of each answer, allow adequate space (at least 6-8 lines), for the teacher’s comments and feedback.
You will be assessed on how well you interpret each task request and how you structure each according to layout, sequencing and by providing all relevant and applicable details for each task.
This is an ungraded unit. Your result is based on the evidence you provide to meet the criteria for competence as specified in the unit of competency and grading criteria.  You will receive a result of Achieved Competency (AC) or Not yet Competent (NC).
Information on how to submit your assignment is located on the OTEN website under your OLS log-in.


Part A: Short response questions

Question 1
Define the following financial terms and explain how they would help you effectively monitor your travel agency’s business performance at a day-to-day operational level.
a)      Staff Sales Report
b)      Product Sales Report
c)      Wages Report
d)     Income Statement
e)      Bank Statements
f)       Balance Sheet

Question 2
a)       What financial documentation is necessary to verify:
i.   income earned, and
ii.  expenditure?

b)      What calculations are typically included in a financial analysis?

Question 3
a)       Explain the purpose of the Statement of Financial Performance (Profit and             Loss).
b)      Identify and explain the key information contained within the Statement of           Financial Performance?

Question 4
a)       Explain the purpose of the Statement of Financial Position (Balance            Sheet).
b)      Identify and explain the key information contained within the Statement of           Financial Position?

Question 5
Define the meaning of financial ratios. Explain how these ratios can assist in the financial management of a business.


Part B: Case Study

Task 1

The figures for this task were obtained from the Qantas Australia 2010 financial reports. (File pathway: > About Qantas > Investors > Annual report > 2010).

Question 1
The Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income report (Annual report 2010, page 48) for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas received:
  • Net Profit/Loss =  $116 million
  • Dollar change from 2009 =  -$7 million (QF Group 2010 = 116 mil; 2009 = 123 mil)
  • Percentage from 2009 = -5.69%
Explain what these results mean.

Question 2
a)       The Consolidated Income Statement report (Annual report 2010, page 47)   for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas:
  • Received a Total Revenue =  $13,772 million
  • Dollar change from 2009 =  -$780 million
  • Percentage change from 2009 = -5.36%
Explain what these results mean.

b)      The Consolidated Income Statement report (Annual report 2010, page 47) for Qantas states that for the year ending 2010, Qantas:
  • Largest Expense = $3,405 million on manpower and staff related
  • Dollar change from 2009 = -$279 million
  • Percentage change from 2009 = -7.57%
Explain what these results mean.

Task 2

The figures for this task were obtained from the Qantas Australia 2010 and the Virgin Blue 2010 financial reports. (File pathway: > About Qantas > Investors > Annual report > 2010 and > About Us > Company Overview > Investor Information > Annual reports > 2010).

Question 1
The Net Profit margin for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) for the year ending 2010 was:

Net Profit margin
Virgin BlueQantas
2010 = 0.71% (21.3/2,981.8 x 100)2010 = 0.84% (116/13,772 x 100)
2009 = -6.07% (-160/2,981.8 x 100)2009 = 0.84% (123/13,772 x 100)

The above findings for Virgin Blue shows that their profit was less than 1% in 2010, but this was better than the 6% loss in 2009.

Explain what the above figures for Qantas show.

Question 2
The 2010 Expense ratios (Expense/Sales x 100 = %) for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) are:

2010 Expenses ratios
 Virgin BlueQantas
Fuel26.23% (782.1/2,981.8 x 100)23.84% (3,283/13,772 x 100)
Wages21.46% (639.8/2,981.8 x 100)24.72% (3,405/13,772 x 100)

Explain these above findings.

Question 3
The Return on Owners Equity ratios (Net Profit/Equity x 100 = %) for Virgin Blue and Qantas (shown on their respective Income Statements) were:

Return on Owners Equity ratios (ROI)
 Virgin BlueQantas
20102.28% (21.3/933.3 x 100)1.94% (116/5,981 x 100)
2009-27.72% (-160/577.1 x 100)    2.13% (123/5,765 x 100)

Explain these above findings.

Question 4
Explain what profitability ratios are and what they indicate about a business.

Question 5
Explain what the ‘overall’ above findings in questions 1, 2, and 3 indicate about the financial performance of Virgin Blue in comparison to Qantas.

Question 6
Identify and explain what internal and external factors could affect these two airline’s performance. As they are similar businesses, both airlines are affected by similar factors.

Awareness of Target market demographics, psychographics and changes

For this cumulative assignment, you will be taking on the role of Merchandising Director for a multichannel menswear retailer that sells both in stores and online.  Since we are working in an online modality, and evaluating stores from their websites (and because many men prefer to shop online), we will be focusing on the online operations for this project.
Your duties and job description will include:
  • Awareness of Target market demographics, psychographics and changes
  • Understanding and analysis of market competition
  • Identification of product opportunities for future seasons by translating trends
  • Communication of brand strategy to online Visual Merchandising and Advertising teams
  • Working in conjunction design team to plan fabric selection and product assortment in line with brand strategies.
Here are some additional and important details about the company you work for:
  • Large-scale, meaning revenues are in the millions to billions.
  • Sells designer, name brand and private label merchandise.
  • Carries a product mix of tailored clothing (a.k.a. work wear), sportswear (a.k.a. casualwear), and outerwear.
An example of this type of retailer is Men’s Wearhouse.
This week, you will research and analyze the market for the retail store, becoming familiar with your target market, and your competition.  Start early in the week, as the assignment has several components.
Part 1: Define your target market
Since you will be working on this project all session, you are being given the opportunity to define the target market for this store. When defining your target market, consider the market segments and generations discussed in the textbook and lectures this week, and visit the menswear retailers listed below in Part 2 to get a sense of what the competition has to offer, and who they cater to.
Address the following areas in your Target Market Definition, making sure to explain how each will affect your customer’s spending habits and style preferences, and include a brief explanation about why you think this is a viable market segment for the type of company outlined in the assignment Overview above.  Support your information and decision about what market to cater to with research.
Target Market topics:
  • Age range, generational cohort, and characteristics of that generation
  • Income range (you need to cover two price range categories, so make it wide enough to accommodate- see next bullet point)
  • Identify your price categories as either budget/moderate or moderate/better to match income level.
  • Geographic area (can be either a specific location or type of location)
  • Psychographics and lifestyle segments, including (Click here to download a list of lifestyle segment examples.):
◦                   Interests
◦                   Hobbies
◦                   Jobs
◦                   Technological interest and ability
  • Summary evaluation about why this is a viable market segment.
Part 2
Research the competition for your target market and product categories.  Review at least 5 of the websites below, or menswear websites of your choosing.  Choose at least 2 that you believe will be main competitors for your company, and evaluate the following:
  • Who is the target market for the retailer?
  • What is the price range/market segment of he merchandise?
  • What is the merchandise assortment offered by the Web sites- what are the major categories of menswear listed?
  • What type of merchandise does this store offer?  Brand names, designer, and/or private label?
  • What kind of promotions do the Web sites offer to customers? Do you think their promotional strategies are effective to sell menswear? Why or why not?
  • What customer service policies do the online retailers offer? Do you think these policies are effective to bring in new male customers and retain older male customers of the retail house? Justify your response.
  • Are the retailers incorporating current trends into their lines?
  • Explain why you believe these 2 retailers will be main competitors.
  • Jos. A. Bank
  • Nordstrom
  • Urban Outfitters
  • Penguin
  • Hugo Boss
  • Men's Wearhouse
  • Express Mens
  • Brooks Brothers
  • J.C. Penney
  • Sears
  • Macy’s
  • Wal-Mart
  • Kenneth Cole
  • Coach
  • Burberry
  • Calvin Klein
  • Abercrombie & Fitch
  • Ralph Lauren
Part 3:
Write a one-page memo addressed to your company’s Vice President, making recommendations for successful merchandising and marketing strategies to sell to your target market online.  Address the following:
  • Specific product categories to carry.  You know you are carrying casualwear, tailored, and outerwear, but how will that look for your target customer?  For example, Urban Outfitters carries blazers, which fit into the tailored category, but not suits.  What might be included or excluded?
  • Brands to carry.
  • Moods and themes of website and product line based on lifestyle preferences of target customer.
  • Promotional strategies, including sales promotions, personal selling, direct marketing, and social media.
  • Customer service and return policies.
Make sure to use correct word choice, spelling, and grammar, and cite your information and images sources using correct MLA format.   Submit your Target Market Assessment, Competition Report and Memo in one Microsoft Word Document, or attach the Memo separately.  Use subject headings, tables, and bullet points as appropriate to clearly outline the topics you are addressing.  Do not include the assignment instructions, or write in essay form.  For some pointers, review this tutorial on the HATS approach to business writing.  The memo needs to specifically be in memo format.
Submit your 3-4-page marketing research and analysis report

“Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation” case

MHC Case Study
Read the “Strategic Planning at Multistate Health Corporation” case and answer the case questions on pages.
Case Questions
Describe MHC’s strategy in terms of market position. Also, identify the type of external environment MHC is operating in and the degree to which the strategy matches the environment.
Identify the type of structure MHC currently uses in its primary businesses. Describe the fit between the structure and the competitive strategy. Describe any structural adjustments MHC should make to maximize the effectiveness of the strategy.
Identify any areas where current management KSAs are not aligned with effective implementation of the competitive strategy.
Describe how MHC should go about addressing the KSA deficiencies you have identified in the previous question. Your answer should be consistent with the mission and values of MHC.
Assume that you are the HRD manager and the competitive strategy was given to you prior to its adoption. Using principles and concepts from the chapter, what recommendations would you give to the strategic planning team?
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Given the strategy, what tactical activities can the HR unit in general, and HRD specifically, develop to support the strategy (be sure to include the implementation of the HRIS)? Identify sources of support and sources of resistance to these tactical activities and point out any areas in which collaborating with the OD unit would be advisable.
Conduct an analysis of HRD’s environment at the company you work for (if you’re going to school and don’t work, use the school’s environment). What are the opportunities and threats to HRD in that environment? What demands does the environment make on the HRD department?
Form groups of three to five people, one of them having been provided with training by their employer within the last two years. Have this person explain the company’s mission to the rest of the group. Then have the person describe the type of training that was received. The group’s task is to determine the linkage between the training and the mission.
Identify two organizations with different environments and core technologies. Describe these differences. Indicate how the HRD strategies of these companies might be similar or different. Provide a rationale for your conclusions using relevant concepts from the chapter.
Examine the mission at the institution you are attending. Examine the one for your area of study (if it has one). Do the two relate? On the basis of the mission and objectives, do a SWOT analysis through interviews with administration or using your own expertise. What major changes are indicated? How will they affect the way courses will be taught? What training might be necessary to meet these changes?
Identify (through personal knowledge or research) an organization that uses HRD as a part of its competitive strategy. What role does HRD play in that strategy, and how is HRD involved in implementing the strategy?
Questions for Review
What factors might inhibit HRD managers from developing a strategic planning approach to training? How might these factors be overcome?
Think of possible strategic training alternatives other than those described in the text. Under what conditions would these be important in developing a training strategy?
Why do training professionals need OD competencies, and why do OD professionals need trainer competencies?
What is the relationship between competitive strategy, external environment, and internal strategies?

Who gets helped by unexpected inflation

Who gets helped by unexpected inflation? Hurt? Say we experienced a high but constant rate of inflation for a long period of time. Who is helped and/or hurt in the long run?

Demand Estimation

Imagine that you work for the maker of a leading brand of low-calorie microwavable food that estimates the following demand equation for its product using data from 26 supermarkets around the country for the month of April.
For a refresher on independent and dependent variables, please go to Sophia’s Website and review the Independent and Dependent Variables tutorial, located at
Note: Your professor will provide you with the equation and data necessary for you to complete this assignment. You will find this information attached to Assignment 1 within the course shell.
Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:
  1. Compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Note: Write down all of your calculations.
  2. Determine the implications for each of the computed elasticities for the business in terms of short-term and long-term pricing strategies. Provide a rationale in which you cite your results.
  3. Recommend whether you believe that this firm should or should not cut its price to increase its market share. Provide support for your recommendation.
  4. Assume that all the factors affecting demand in this model remain the same, but that the price has changed. Further assume that the price changes are 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 dollars.
    1. Plot the demand curve for the firm.
    2. Plot the corresponding supply curve on the same graph using the supply function Q = 5200 + 45P with the same prices.
    3. Determine the equilibrium price and quantity.
    4. Outline the significant factors that could cause changes in supply and demand for the product. Determine the primary manner in which both the short-term and the long-term changes in market conditions could impact the demand for, and the supply, of the product.
  5. Indicate the crucial factors that could cause rightward shifts and leftward shifts of the demand and supply curves.
  6. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
  • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
  • Analyze how production and cost functions in the short run and long run affect the strategy of individual firms.
  • Apply the concepts of supply and demand to determine the impact of changes in market conditions in the short run and long run, and the economic impact on a company’s operations.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in managerial economics and globalization.
  • Write clearly and concisely about managerial economics and globalization using proper writing mechanics.

Your supervisor has asked you to compute the elasticities for each independent variable. Assume the following values for the independent variables:
Q = Quantity demanded
P (in cents) = Price of the product = 8,000
PX (in cents) = Price of leading competitor’s product = 9,000
I (in dollars) = Per capita income of the standard metropolitan statistical area
(SMSA) in which the supermarkets are located = 5,000
A (in dollars) = Monthly advertising expenditures = 64

The course is Transportation Decision Making

In trip calculation, it is observed that a Wal-Mart store driver successfully made a total of 104 trips in a given period of time. During field calculation, it is shown that the calculated number of trips is actually 128. What is the value of the adjustment factor? ____<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?></o:p>
b. It is shown that the population of New York City, NY is much greater than that of Irvington, NJ. Employment opportunities, malls, social activities and tourist sites in New York City are therefore more than that in Irvington. If attractiveness for New York and Irvington are therefore 1,800 and 180 respectively and if the calculated impedance of migration is known to be 1.57, based on Gravity-Based model, estimate in demands, the number of people who travel between Irvington, NJ and New York City per week. ____</o:p>
c. Elasticity can be defined as percentage change in demand for a 1% change in decision attribute. For linear aggregate demand, what is the mathematical representation/formula for this statement? You must define the parameters you choose to use for this answer. ____</o:p>
d. In the City of Joplin, due to weather devastation and hurricane effects, the cost of parking in the local Square has increased by 20%. This change has not only reduced the number of vehicles that travel to the Square by 5%, but it has also forced the inhabitants of Joplin to use buses. Bus trips have therefore increased to 20%. With respect to the cost of parking in the local Square, determine the elasticity of vehicle traffic. ____</o:p>
e. In the City of Joplin, due to weather devastation and hurricane effects, the cost of parking in the local Square has increased by 20%. This change has not only reduced the number of vehicles that travel to the Square by 5%, but it has also forced the inhabitants of Joplin to use buses. Bus trips have therefore increased to 20%. With respect to the cost of parking in the local Square, determine the elasticity of bus transit. ____</o:p>

"hold-up" problem

By referring to at least two empirical studies, assess the strengths and weaknesses of the technological approach embodied in the neo-classical production function in explaining the scale and scope of firms. What does the analysis of the ‘hold up’ problem contribute to the explanation of the size and scope of firms?

What is monetary policy in India ?

"All else held constant" is the major problem facing all methods of estimating the demand for business products.

Farmer Brian has 3 acres of land which he farms efficiently

Farmer Brian has 3 acres of land which he farms efficiently. Each acre can support 10 apple trees. However the 3 acres differ in their ability to support orange trees. He can grow 30 orange trees on the best land, 20 orange trees on the ok land, and 10 orange trees on the bad land.
If he initially has all is land growing apples, what would be the opportunity cost of growing an orange tree?

Distinguish between a Quality Review and a Quality Audit

Write a memo ona state (not federal) level business dispute

Assume that the higher on this chart the case is the more expensive it is for all parties.
Write a memo ona state (not federal) level business dispute. Describe as if you were writing a "white paper" for your boss who wants to know how a case like the one you have chosen would be processed throughout the various legal phases in a state court system.
Because most cases never make it to trial, it is also important to consider alternative methods of dispute resolution. Suppose your selected case was initially submitted to ADR. What methods of ADR would be available to pursue? Which of these ADR methods do you think would be the most appropriate? Why?
Required elements: Discuss the differences in costs and benefits of going through traditional litigation and pursuing ADR in this case (Consider for example, why one of the parties in the case you're looking at may have preferred keeping the case out of court). No more than 700 words. Format is consistent with APA guidelines.

Culture and Global Business

Culture and Global Business
In a 4-5 page, APA style paper, complete an article review. Your article should come from one of the online library resources. Your article should cover one or more of the following topics that were introduced in your readings:
  • the cultural orientation model cultural differences
  • the role of culture in the global business environment
Support your analysis with what you have learned from the course text, in addition to peer-reviewed articles.

Describe what Wilson saw as the central problem in creating “ good” public administration

Describe what Wilson saw as the central problem in creating “ good” public administration. • According to Wilson, why should a study of public administration be developed in America? Explain the sources and purposes of its development. • Speculate about why a business administrator needs to know how government, especially public administration, works.

Ethical Report

When listening to an informative speech by one of your classmates, you realize that much of it is plagiarized from a magazine article you read a couple weeks earlier. What do you do? Do you say something when your instructor asks for comments about the speech? Do you mention your concerns to the instructor of the class? Do you talk with the speaker? Do you remain silent?