Saturday, 21 June 2014

Reframing Organizations -- Bolman and Deal

This essay should be 1000- 1500 words in length. This one should communicate your evaluation of "Reframing Organizations" by Bolman and Deal. Remember this is a book review, not a book summary. While your posting should include a brief synopsis of the major ideas presented, remember that we all read the same book. What we're really interested in is your analysis. While there is no required approach, here are some ideas on how to simultaneously exercise your critical thinking skills and format this assignment:
What was the authors' thesis? What does their idea mean?
What is the basis for their thesis, and do their ideas flow logically from their basis?
What are the implications of the ideas presented in this book? For leaders?  For people studying leadership?
What did you find positive? What did you find negative?
Please remember that you must support your observations and assertions. This is an important criteria in my evaluation of your work. Within the length constraints, I appreciate full and complete responses.
Please also remember that it is a requirement of the assignment to respond with a question, comment, observation, etc to at least one of your classmates and to answer those posed to you. You must do so to receive full credit.
It's not an English assignment, but effective communication is important to leadership, so spelling and punctuation matter.

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