Thursday, 26 June 2014

Analytical Essay: Write a e essay that analyzes The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature

structuring you’re Critical Analysis Paper
Most critical analysis papers begin with a short summary of the work and then dive in to the argument. Since most of these paper assignments are short, it is important to be concise in all parts of your analysis. Writing an outline (and following it) is crucial to remain focused on your argument and avoid summary or irrelevant description. Following is a sample outline for a critical analysis paper:

Essay should be between 5-8 pages. Five pages is the minimum acceptable; eight pages is the maximum acceptable. APA format, no abstract page or cover page. Cite your information correctly and make sure to have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation. References should be cited and page numbers added if possible.
I.  Introduction
a. Identify the work being criticized
b. Present thesis – argument about the work
c. Preview your argument – what are the steps you will take to prove your argument

II. Short summary of the work
a.Does not need to be comprehensive – present only what the reader needs to know to understand your      argument

III.Your argument
a.Your argument will likely involve a number of sub-arguments –mini-theses you use to prove your larger argument true. For example, if your thesis was that the author’s presumption that the world will soon face a “clash of civilizations” is flawed because he inadequately specifies his key concept,            civilizations, you might prove this by:
i. Noting competing definitions of civilizations
ii. Identifying how his examples do not meet the example of civilizations
iii. Argue that civilization is so broad and non-specific that it is not useful
b.This should be the bulk of the paper – Your professor/TA wants to read your argument about the work,   not a summary.

a. Reflect on how you have proven your argument.
b. Point out the importance of your argument (beyond it being a requirement for passing the class)
c. Note potential avenues for additional research or analysis

What information does the author use to support her argument? Does she use the information to convincingly support her argument? Explain.

What did you like/dislike about the assigned reading? Explain.

While reading the assignment, consider the elements of style used in the assignment. Consider such style elements as word choice, sentence structure, paragraph development, and overall organization of the reading.

How do these style elements affect the clarity of the work and the author’s communicative effort?

Concisely state what the author’s claim (thesis) is. Briefly explain why you think it is the central claim and give evidence to support your claim.

Are there any flaws in the logic or clarity of the author’s argument?

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