Thursday, 26 June 2014

Theory Essay

A feature of international business activity over the past 30 years has been the rapidly increasing trend towards the globalisation of markets and the development of the “global economy”.  National boundaries are disappearing with the rapid development of this new global economic paradigm.  You are required to conduct research and write an essay which addresses the following assessment criteria:
  1. Discuss the impact of globalisation on the world economy and it’s impact on Australia’s economy.
  2. Compare the range of trade theories and explain their implications for business practice. What are the benefits of engaging in international trade?
  3. Discuss the political and economic reasons why governments intervene in international trade. What are the implications of the global trade system and government intervention on international trade for business practice.

Report writing guidelines

All written submissions must adhere to the following minimum standards:

  1. A cover page with the unit name and number, your name and student’s number, your teacher’s name and the assignment number and due date.
  2. They must be word processed on single-sided A4 paper
  3. Be 1 ½ line spaced
  4.  Have a 40mm margin on the left hand side
  5. Include a table of content
  6. Use sequential page numbering
  7. Be correctly spell and grammar checked
  9. Use appropriate headings, sub headings and separate paragraphs
  10. Be logical in its presentation
  11. Use relevant aids as required to present information (i.e. charts, tables, and diagrams)
  12. Be referenced according to the Harvard referencing system
  13. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of topics discussed in class
  14. Stapled in the top left hand corner only (do not submit in a plastic envelope)
  15. Include sufficient discussion of theory so as to convince the assessor that you have the required level of underpinning knowledge needed to satisfy the competency requirements of the subject.

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