I would like to have a 13 slides and word docoment that tells me what to say in each slide. like explanation for the slide in short and reasonable meaning to represnt it to my class.
1- what is the movie about? = summarizing the movie.
who are the main charaters in the movie and what is the relationship btween them.
2- Concepts - we learn in class :
- enterepneurship.
- Creativitiy
How does these apply to the movie ?
What was the enterprenuership in this movie ?
Was the business positive or negative? has risks ?
how was the opportunities in the business for creating jobs?
3- Analysis
- take home message
-what part of the movie gave you an emotional message " please put a short video form the movie "
- what is the moral of the story
- what part effects you and why " witht short video "
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