Tuesday, 6 May 2014

economic globalization

Write a paper discussing the origins and impacts of economic globalization. Make sure to address all of the following points in your paper: 1.Explain the law of comparative advantage and classical trade theory from a historical perspective utilizing the works of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and Richard Cobden. 2.Explain the historical context and core principles of the World Trade Organization (WTO). 3.Explain how comparative advantage and classical trade theory relates to the WTO. 4.Explain the arguments for and against the WTO. 5.Explain the impacts of free trade on the developing world in terms of minimum standards of living, the environment, democracy, and national sovereignty. 6.Explain the impacts of free trade on the developing world in terms of the environment. 7.Explain the impacts of free trade on the developing world in terms of democracy and national sovereignty.
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