Sunday, 15 June 2014

Evidence Base Paper using APA formart

Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts NURN 153 Evidence-based Paper Webquest: Patient Safety Introduction: Patient safety is one of health care’s most important issues. Nurses play a vital role in improving patient safety and quality of care. Evidence-based practice is the key to finding and implementing the best strategies and interventions to improve patient outcomes. Task: Your nurse manager has asked your clinical group to examine the safety practices of the unit. Use evidence-based research to evaluate one of the following patient safety questions related to safety. Use the Joint Commission’s National Patient Safety Goals as a guide to evaluate your unit’s safety practices and prepare recommendations for your manager. Your patients are counting on you! Process: Choose one of the patient safety questions that relates to a situation that you observed on your unit. Find and summarize two research articles that provide evidence to answer the patient safety question. Use the recommended library resources and other credible sources (refer to your Evidence-based Practice lecture and readings). Write a 2-3 page report in which you will do the following: Describe the current safety practice you observed on your unit that relates to the question you chose. Summarize the two research articles. Answer the patient safety question using the evidence in the articles. Using what you learned from the evidence-based literature, write at least two recommendations to the nurse manager which might improve the current safety practices of your unit relating to the chosen question. Use APA format, be sure to include references. Patient Safety Questions: What are the best methods for preventing central-line associated infections? Recommended Resources: CCBC Library Databases: CINAHL & CINAHL PLUS Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition JAMA Online ProQuest Nursing and Allied Health Source PubMed Other Databases: AHRQ – Agency for Healthcare Research and...

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