Sunday, 8 June 2014

Challenges in the Global Environment

Create a nine (9) slide PowerPoint Presentation in which you:
1.  Provide a title slide (as indicated in the format requirements below) followed by a slide with an introduction to your presentation.
2.  Summarize your response to each of the criteria in from assignment– one (1) slide per criterion, for a total of seven (7) slides.
  a) Specify, in brief, the nature, structure, types of products or service of the business you selected. Examine the information within the company’s code of ethical conduct, and choose three (3) key issues from within the document that you believe are critical for success. Provide a rationale for the response.
  b) Using the three (3) key issues you selected as a benchmark, compare and contrast the codes of conduct of two (2) similar companies within the same industry as your chosen company.
  c) Examine the extent to which the two (2) similar companies you researched have addressed the key issues you selected. Hypothesize two (2) potential positive outcomes for each company if each addresses the key issues in question and two (2) potential adverse effects if each company fails to address these issues.
  d) Propose two (2) techniques that the original company you selected could use in order to ensure that its code of conduct will remain relevant through years of changing economic, political, social, cultural, and technological forces on business and society. Next, evaluate the effectiveness of two (2) methods that the company currently adopts in order to manage environment issues.
  e) Examine two (2) approaches that the original company you selected has taken in order to embrace technological advancements for innovation and thus improve business offerings. Anticipate three (3) potential technological challenges the company could face, and recommend one (1) strategy that the company could use in order to eliminate or minimize each of these anticipated challenges.
  f) Specify at least one (1) one lobbying strategy that the original company you selected has used in an effort to influence national or local government decisions in its favor. Summarize the issue in question, and ascertain whether or not the lobbying effort was appropriate. Justify the response.
  g) Analyze two (2) global corporate citizenship efforts of the original company you selected, and assess the extent to which these efforts are effective in accomplishing the company’s goals.  Examine the manner in which the two (2) global citizenship efforts could contribute significantly to the company’s sustainable development goals.

3.    Provide a summary slide which addresses key points of your paper.
4.    Narrate each slide, using a microphone, and indicate what you would say if you were actually presenting in front of an audience.
assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

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