Sunday, 15 June 2014

Canadian Politics

“So…instead of an Easter egg hunt…” is an editorial cartoon from April 7, 2012 (Toronto Sun) and it is the focus of this exam question. Briefly describe the cartoon and then explain the “humour” behind the cartoon. Do you agree with the tone of the cartoon? What are the implications of rising gas prices? What does this mean for Canadians? What does this mean for Canada? Fully support your answer. Remember that the textbook is your first and best source. Look for approximately four key terms or concepts from the course that relate to this topic. Define any key terms or concepts that you use. The relevance of the terms or concepts you select to your essay will affect the quality of your essay answer.</o:p></o:p>
[NOTE: There is nothing religious implied by my selection of a cartoon that mentions an “Easter” egg hunt. It is the idea of hunting for the best price that is important.]</o:p>

Word limit 750-1,000 words. Outside sources are acceptable but the use of attached files is required as well. So please integrate some form of the files attached in the essay.

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