Saturday, 7 June 2014

Grading Criteria Maximum Points Included the essential elements of an introductory paragraph by introducing the source in the proper APA format

Grading Criteria Maximum Points Included the essential elements of an introductory paragraph by introducing the source in the proper APA format: your purpose for writing this critique; a brief statement about the nature of this study; and your map of the headings of the Body 8 Described in the first sub heading, the research problem and question, summarizing them and assessing how they were stated and defined. 6 In the second subheading, identified the theoretical or conceptual foundation and assessed how it was linked to the appropriate literature[s] and supported the research question. 4 Determined the relevance of the selected literature to the research question and explained how the author presented this, evaluating the strengths and weaknesses. 8 Discussed how the author organized and synthesized the literature, explaining the use of the themes or another kind of organizing structure; also described the gaps the author identified in the existing research and how this study was designed to fill one or more of them 8 Evaluated in the author's Discussion or Summary of the chapter how he or she summarized the answers to the research question in relation to the literature that was reviewed and what suggestions were recommended for future study. 8 At the end, included your own Conclusion where you returned to your purpose and your map, while also evaluating how this dissertation was useful to your own potential research 6 Displayed accurate APA Style and format by presenting information in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship with accurate in-text citations and references; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation; created an accurate Title page and a Reference page.

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